Jumat, 07 Mei 2010


i'm not going nowhere . i'm still standing here , or just walking here -- i don't care , i will see you there , smiled , or i won't .
but the first option , maybe that is why my heart brought me here because something that i want

i see you through the window
the peacock is still the same . but since you've been here -- its feather has been more , and more fascinating and touchable , just like a green infusion
green infusion in the jungle -- when the Tarzan that shouting with his bravery , found me as the stranded Little Red Riding Hood

I brought my basket for my grandmother
but , grandma .. can i brought you the another ?
I swear , I will beg to my mother
my hands couldn't move , something pulled me in
to the atmosphere
to the fantasy , where I , 1) smile when I thinking about it , 2) i can't stop chuckled , 3) it's something , more than best , more than special -- i'm a love traveler , and I am too exhausted to think , is it something or someone ? No matter what it is , it / he shined my trip and refresh my lips if it is some water from the oasis

but i can taste , I can feel the purity , more pure than drops by drops of water
It is the one i have to wait
I have considered , I have some desire to find a new , fascinating adventure , more than helicopter , more than roller coaster
and the Tarzan , is not the only Tarzan -- it is more than an adventure
he is the one in disguise , that always come to my adventure -- my dream
although i have never invited him , never

the uninvited one , that made my party in my delightful adventure , always more than spectacular

are you..
the prince charming , someone that has made one of my trip was like a happy ending -- oh , may I call you the Prince Charming if I were your Snow White ?
even you didn't kiss , even you didn't take me on your lap when you brought me to your castle...
there is something in you , something in you , oh something in you
you might not save me from the poisonous apple
but you are absolutely more than a sunshine , or even itself

I am keep waiting ..
I hardly ever be patient when I look at the map
To choose the path
So that I can reach you someday ,
to the place over the rainbow

And accelerate the way I walk with my fate
To say 'hello' to my destiny , and ask the destiny , where can i meet you again ?

but , still you be the one ? are you really the sunshine I am searching for when the things are cold as ice ?
are you the stars , that decorate the skies ?

but you are in my heart
although you are near ,
but the big wall , between your world and my world has appeared

Send me some message with your owl
Tell me , are you the Prince if I were Aurora , that wake me up from my nightmare ?
And slow me down on the dance floor
To take it easy , even the beat is more than fast
Cause we have to feel the atmosphere next time -- slowly and lovely
I have to tell my name , and so that you too

I need you , because I love you

©Avinindita Nura Lestari

Selasa, 13 April 2010


dazzling smile , dazzling pinch , dazzling eyes and i can't stop scream
source of energy
i have never invited you into my dreams , but you always came nowadays .
both of us tried to make our feelings extremely happy spontaneously

and it is you . i love you . i love you . i love you


semuanya emang kalo kamu nemuin sesuatu yang baru
hampir semuanya positif .
semuanya emang bikin kamu yakin akan rasa kamu yang lama
dan kamu tau ?
sesuatu yang baru itu adalah kepastian , bukti , dari semua rasa yang kamu pendem

but life goes on
goes on and goes on
and you are the actor
and you have different roles
day by day
just wait for the script to be read ;)
cause everything would be never as it seems


my eyes says , they have trapped into your eyes
my eyes says , they have met another eyes that would never left them in the ice

my ears say , they have heard something beautiful
about the voice
about something shivered but it tasted warm
about something different but it tasted warm
about something charming but it tasted very warm

my hands , my clothes , my hair , and every smile i always paint
say that I have become yours
and it has been the purity of love
it has been long , very very long

but something has gone
you made me feel alive , but it tasted that something has died
i can't bury , i won't let them cold in the fury

cause it has been empty
it has been very empty
you have been tried , and so that I too
but you may come here in the night , knock at my door , and wait for the reason why :
'We can't be together anymore . We walked in the wrong corridor . I have tried everything , and I have been waiting for the miracle . But in the night , when my night had spent most of counting stars , It haven't just come yet .

So , would you go on , or would it done here ?

peek a boo !

it is always be difficult , if you involved or get into trouble .
i know , it is easier to hide , and it is more difficult to face it .
and when you get it , and when it has successfully touched your heart ,
your feelings never die . your feelings never lie . your feelings never run . but it shines you like a sun .


"Jangan pernah nge-ekspos berlebihan segala sesuatu geura , apalagi kalau kamu cuma liat luarnya"

Avinindita Nura Lestari

Minggu, 11 April 2010

everything will be solved if ...

i think my feelings never lie . although it is different when you placed into a situation , but then-- when you make decisions , it's all based on your feelings and your thoughts . despite the fact , that it is harder if you feel without think , and think without feel HAHAHA LOL . i'm sorry if it is too complicated but...
i wonder , there was a difference between how to use your feelings and how to use your thoughts in a certain ways . but , why don't we just broke the rules and make everything simpler ? mix them and you will get the answer . it is ... THINK and BE OPTIMISTIC ! think represents your thoughts . imagine that you are the creator of the wonderland . then , every single parts of that wonderland , will made you full of happiness so , if you that creator , you must be ready and must be relax when surprises from the wonderland's creature are coming up to see you -- whether it is bad , whether it is not . so , in this case , you think the strategies when the problems are there , but , you feel , how to make your strategies success ! as easy as A B C


"when i'm in love , mommy ... i think , literally , that i'm more literate than ever before . i think that i have some gardens of flowers that bloom every time i enjoy his smile and stuffs !"
Avinindita Nura Lestari

Selasa, 06 April 2010

a moment when you was standing

i made this with tears on my face :') check it out , is it unrequited love or something ? LOL

You offer me the light I have never found
You offer me the sweetest cheek that someone has to be proud of if they can touch it with their cheeks too
Let me be your flower , cause you are the sun
Oh , don't you see the roses are red as my blush
I can be your everything , someone that will sing you the lullabies every moment the night splashes
Let me swing , touch your stars , the part above your chin
With my stars, long , smooth , but sharper in our both words of heart than sharks' fin
You are the midnight taste of summer soul that is the most powerful that I have ever seen
Let every steps of my sin taste your own sin
If the lips would do the most of sinful sin , why would not we just go deeper and join them ?
Oh , you are my wings , take me and disappear me tho the air
Oh , prince charming , there were never something called love that is fair , but ..
Your breath give off something dreamy that is more way better than potpourries
And it is the ultra silk cashmere of your hair
Let me be your European dreams
I have been waiting and
i have been smiling
Cause I couldn't stop accused that
You take my heart
every your tempting times

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

i wonder , skies are blue , but it is not that blue . yes , my querida . i'm here without you

i wonder

someday in my life

what will happen if you are my romeo montague but i am not your juliet capulet ?
what will happen if the sleeping beauty slept with a curse and got a kiss but i am not sleeping , i'm watching you here but there are no kisses ?
what will happen if i dance with you in the midnight but i am not your lovely cinderella ?
what will happen if we get along together , see whole of new world but i'm not your jasmine ?
what will happen if ain't got you ?
what will happen if i get tired of waiting you ?
what will happen if you here , you make me feel alive but something has died ?

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

sesi curhat :)) is this ?

hello aaaaargh udah lama ya ga posting *basa basi .
to the problem deeeeeeeeeh hahahaha ;)
aku suka kadang kepikiran nih

pernah ngerasa ga dapet masalah yang ujug-ujug , tiba-tiba kaya kita lagi diem umpamanya mah ditiban kursi ?
pernah ngerasa ga dapet masalah yang kamu ngerasa kamu bener padahal ngga selamanya kamu bener ?
pernah ngerasa ga dapet masalah yang kamu ngerasa ga nyaman sama orang tapi kamu tau itu kan sifat dia sendiri ?
pernah ngerasa ga dapet masalah yang kamu tuh ngerasa fine sama keadaan kamu tapi pasti aja ada orang yang salah ngertiin ato ga suka sama kamu ?
pernah ngerasa ga dapet masalah yang kamu tuh ngerasa kamu ga suka sama seseorang tapi kamu coba ngertiin dia ?
pernah ngerasa ga dapet masalah yang kamu tuh sebenernya pengen cuek ke orang itu tapi kamu ga berniat secuek itu juga , gara-gara hati kamu udah cape ?
dan pernah ngerasa ga gara-gara kamu mendem emosi terlalu lama rasanya gaenak ?
dan masalah lainnya .
dan aku bakalan nyontreng semua pertanyaan di atas , aku juga pernah dapet ko yang kaya gituan . aku juga ngerti ko orang-orang juga pasti pernah dapet yang kaya gitu .
yang tau solusinya , ngacuuuuung !

aku sampe sekarang belum ngerti mendalam banget loh , kenapa itu bisa kejadian . tapiiii menurut aku :
ada kalanya nih , kita ada di lingkungan baru , ya keadaan remaja kadang gitulah hahaha wajar ko .

ada kalanya kita pingin coba diterima . tapi kenyataannya ? ga semua orang nerima kita tuh

ada kalanya kita pengen jadi yang the best di lingkungan itu . padahal kenyataannya ? ini kan lingkungan baru , pengalaman ga asal diterapkan soalnya karakter orang-orang beda kan .

ada kalanya kita pingin ngertiin dan pingin baik sama semua orang . tapi kenyataannya ? justru semakin kamu mencoba baik sama SEMUA orang , itu semua titik kelemahan kamu . yuppie ! coba deh , kalo kamu dikenal baik , kamu kan bisa dimanfaatin , kamu bisa ditindas , kamu seakan-akan ngerasa ga tega kalo nolak ajakan ato permintaan orang .

ada kalanya kita belum kenal sama orang itu . namanya juga lingkungan baru , kadang kalo misalnya kita maksain pengen terus ngobrol sama orang itu , gaenak juga kali ya .

ada kalanya kita emang ngerasa ga nyaman sama orang itu dan kita lagi adaptasi , karena kita ini temen kita jadi coba ngertiin kelebihan dan kekurangannya kan . tapi kadang kita kan nemuin kegagalan . ajaib banget kalo ngertiin jengjengjeng langsung keren gitu pengertiannya , semuanya butuh proses .

ada kalanya kita pengen nyoba sabar ato mendem kemarahan , mendem emosi lah , tapi ada
kalanya kita juga jenuh . kita sabar , tapi ada batasnya kan .

ada kalanya kita ngerasa biasa aja , padahal kita pernah bikin salah .
nah , kalau kita bikin salah , kita tau ga salah kita yang mendetail apa ? aku mah mikirnya gini , semua manusia itu kadang khilaf kan , jadi gimana kalo masalah itu diomongin baik-baik terus dikasih tau titik-titik kesalahan kita di mana . biar nguntungin kedua belah pihak yang bermasalah itu juga sih hehehehe soalnya kadang ada dosa 'teu karasa'

ada kalanya kita pernah disakitin sama dia (orang yang bikin kita ga enak hati , misalnya)

ada kalanya juga kita lagi maafin dia , tapi kita belum bener-bener maafin dia .

ada kalanya kita keinget kesalahan dia . padahal kita juga pernah bikin salah .

ada kalanya kita ga mau ngaca .

ada kalanya , kesenangan kita justru kelemahan kita .

ada kalanya , kita kadang sebel sama orang gara-gara iri yang 'teu karasa' , misalnya :
'ih ko dia bisa juara lomba *blablabla* sih , padahal kan kreasi dia biasa aja'

tapi semua ada alesannya .

jadi apa sih sebenernya ?
kita pengen dihargain tapi kita ga mau ngehargain . ya kan ?
kita bisa aja bilang orang egois , tapi kita tuh harus tau ga semua orang jadi persis kelakuannya sama apa yang kita mau . mereka juga punya hak , mereka juga punya kebebasan ko .
selera tiap orang beda , pandangan orang juga beda . dan kadang , pemahaman orang juga beda . misalnya nih , kamu nganggep suatu masalah itu ya artinya pasti A tapi belum tentu orang nganggep A , bisa aja J atau bahkan O .
kelakuan orang beda-beda sih . kita kadang susah ngertiin , tapi emang harus dicoba . ya harus gimana lagi kan buat bikin keadaan enak ? diantara kita harus ada yang ngalah .

tapiiiiii , jadi orang yang selalu ngalah kadang rasanya gaenak . tapi orang yang selalu sabar juga katanya dikasih berkah . aaaaaaaah kan bingung . atau , sabar ya baguslah , tapi ada batasnya gitu ya ?

aku bersyukur ada masalah . biar nambah kesabaran . biar nambah hikmah sama pengalaman . pandang aja deh segala sesuatu dari segi positifnya . aku yakin aja , kalo kita mandang hal yang negatif ato jalanin hal itu dengan positifnyaaaa , yang kita dapet nantinya pasti hal positif yang berlipat kan ?

optimis .
kalo kita mau dingertiin , kita juga harus ngertiin .
tapi ada juga ko tipe-tipe orang yang suka nindes ato bikin orang lain patah semangat deh . kaya melototin , nyuekin sampe berlarut-larut . enak ga sih ? ga kan ? jadi ?
kita jangan kaya gitu :) kalo kita ga suka digituin , kasih kenyamanan sama orang lain bakalan jauuuuuuh lebih baik .

tapi kalo kita sadar justru orang itu hmmmm cuma manfaatin kita nih misalnya , ada hal-hal ato alesan yang bikin kamu emang harus stay away deh dari dia .
kebongkar dong berarti topeng dia yang kaya gitu .
nahhh , makanya , don't judge a book by its cover !

sekarang , gimana cara ngadepinnya ?
curhat sih pastinyaaaaa , tapi pastiin kamu curhat ke orang-orang yang emang kamu percaya deh .

curhat ke orang yang fun bakalan bikin kamu lebih optimis dan ngelupain masalah kamu . emang kadang gampang sih ngomong : yaudah sih , gausah dipikirin . kita tau itu niatnya buat ngehibur juga , tapiiii pasti kepikiran terus ga ?

omongan dia juga ada benernya loh . maksudnya , yaaaa dunia ga bakal kiamat sekarang kan cuma gara-gara masalah itu ? masa sih kamu kehilangan semangat cuma gara-gara kamu mikirin itu ? yaudah gausah terlalu dipikirin . maksudnya sih gitu :D
curhat ke orang yang lively alias fun , yang bikin keadaan kamu bikin ngakak dan goyang sana sini lebih bagus lagi sih hahahaha tapi asal dia ngertiin aja deh .

nah , berhadapan sama si orang yang bermasalah nih .
reaksi kamu biasa aja ke dia . ya tunjukkin aja kamu rada diem ke dia atau gimana lah . yang penting jangan emosi ke dia . kalo dia nanya ya jawaaaaaaab , tapi gausah sebaik dulu mungkin KALAU kamu bener-bener sakit hati .
kalo dia bikin sakit hati kamu saat ini , bilang aja deh : hati gue seluas samudera , it's okay . mau dilempar bangke , gapapa . mau dipelototin , gapapa .
enjoy ama keadaan kamu deh , kamu mah ya tetep kamu . tapi kamu juga harus instropeksi . diem lebih baik , kenyataannya .

mendem emosi , ato sabar emang lebih baik .
tapi asal kita tau : di satu lingkungan yang sama , padahal cuma gaenak ati ke satu orang ato bahasa to the pointnya mah kesel bete lah , kadang semua orang di sana kena imbasnya . kita jadi males sama keadaan di situ , entah itu jadi bawaan hati , ngerasa aura ga enak , dsb .
tapi kalo dia udah ngatain kita yang ngga-ngga yang wuuuuh jauh gitulah , ada saatnya kita harus bertindak biar ga ditindas .

tapiii , badai pasti berlalu ko . kunci utamanya : berdoa , usaha , tawakal , sabar :D

sampe sini dulu deh yaaaaaaaaa , makasih ;) kalo ada pertanyaan tanya aja yaaaaaa curhat juga boleh ko HAHAH beneran deh . kalo ada bahasa yang salah ato kurang berkenan maaaaaaaaf yaaaaa , makasih ;))

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010


maaf udah lama ga posting yaaaaaa huahaha . rutinitas sekolah bikin ga sempet mungkin , cih haha . tunggu kalo lagi niat yaaaaaaa :))