Selasa, 13 April 2010


my eyes says , they have trapped into your eyes
my eyes says , they have met another eyes that would never left them in the ice

my ears say , they have heard something beautiful
about the voice
about something shivered but it tasted warm
about something different but it tasted warm
about something charming but it tasted very warm

my hands , my clothes , my hair , and every smile i always paint
say that I have become yours
and it has been the purity of love
it has been long , very very long

but something has gone
you made me feel alive , but it tasted that something has died
i can't bury , i won't let them cold in the fury

cause it has been empty
it has been very empty
you have been tried , and so that I too
but you may come here in the night , knock at my door , and wait for the reason why :
'We can't be together anymore . We walked in the wrong corridor . I have tried everything , and I have been waiting for the miracle . But in the night , when my night had spent most of counting stars , It haven't just come yet .

So , would you go on , or would it done here ?

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